Voter Awareness Programme on 15-4-2019 in collaboration with The New Indian Express in association with Election Commission of India. Shri. Ravi Bhajantri guiding, explaining procedure & importannce of voting to new enrolled voters. In picture Mr. Ashwin Manager Indian Express, Princ. Dr. S. N.Patil , Dr. D.S. Chougule. New enorolled voters (students) & staff were present.

Celebration of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Jayanti.

महात्मा जोतीराव फुले जयंती निमित्त महात्मा जोतीराव फुले यांच्या प्रतिमेला पुष्प अर्पण करून अभिवादन करताना प्राचार्य व प्राध्यापक, भाऊराव काकतकर महाविद्यालय, बेळगाव

Rani channamma University Belgavi & DMSM’S B.K. college Belgaum jointly organised one day workshop on framing of curriculum for U.G. physics under choice based credit system (CBCS)on 8th April 2019. Prof. Siddu P Algur ,Registrar R.C.U Belgavi inaugurated the workshop &introdued the concepts of CBCS to the participants. Prof. B.G. Hegde, chairman BOS in physics RCU Belgavi explained briefly the structure of syllabus at B.Sc. level. The workshop was followed by two successful sessions &framed the syllabus under CBCS.

Farewell to BA , B.Com & B.Sc.

Annual Prize Distribution
Princ. Smita Surebankar speaking on the occasion of prize distribution programme. The achievers in sports, culture, academics were felicitated by college on 5-4-2019.

Zoology department of B. K. College, Belgaum conducted study trip to Bondla wildlife Sanctuary for 2nd sem and 4th sem on 28th March, 2019. There were 86 students and 6 staff members.They observed many animals like Gaur, Python, Parakeet, Porcupine, pit viper, Leopard, Sloth bear etc. They were guided by Prof. Mayura Nibandhe, Prof. Amruta sane, Prof madhuri hindalgekar, Prof. Nivedita Thabbe.

Date:23/03/2019 to 25/03/2019
Department of Biotechnology of our college conducted 3days study tour to Mysore from 23rd March to 25th March 2019, where students of B.Sc Final year visited Mysore University (unit on Evolution and Genetics), Bonsai Garden and CFTRI (tissue culture, Spirulina culture and various research Instruments like PCR, HPLC, LAF Cabinet, Flourosecent Microscope, Lyophilizer etc.,) They were guided by Prof. V.L.Patil, Prof. A.A.Sane and Prof. Mayura Nibhande.

Date:23/03/2019 – 26/03/2019
Zoology department conducted study tour to Mysore from 23march to 26th March, 2019 for final year students. Students visited places like Mysore university, CFTRI, Bonsai garden, Shukhvan, Chamundi hills, Mysore palace, Rangantitthu bird sanctuary as a part of their syllabus. There were 55 students. They were guided by Prof. Vikram Patil, Prof. Mayura Nibandhe and Prof. Amruta Sane..

The political science club observed Martyrs day. On this occasion Principal Dr S.N Patil paid homage to Bhagat Singh by garlanding the portrait. Sir addressed the students and advised them to follow the high ideals of Bhagat singh sukhdev and Rajguru. Senior Professors M.N Desai, Anita Patil , Dr.D.S Chougule and others also paid tributes.

Date: 01/03/2019.
Scout and Guide – Rovers actively participating in pioneering and adventure camp at Doddaballapur – Karnataka from 1-3-2019 to 5-3-2019. They constructed a wooden bridge as a part of adventure.

Date: 28/02/2019.
National Scienece Day Celebration: On the occassion of National Science Day. Jyoti Vidnyan Kendra Inaugurated ” Water Testing Laboratory ” in department of Chemistry on 28/02/2019 by Chief Guest Dr. Madhav Prabhu ,President of Pyaas Foundation Inaugurated the Laboratory & Guest of honor Shri. Niranjan Karagi, the young Enterpreneur of Belgaum. In picture Shri. Subhash Oulkar Secretary DMS Mandal belgaum , Prof. V. L.Patil Joint secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum , Princ. Dr. S.N.Patil, Dr. Deepak Desai, Dr. D. N. Misale.

Date: 25/02/2019.
National Seminar: Conducted One day national seminar on ” Applications of NMR & Mass Spectroscopy in Chemistry”. Resource Person Prof. M. V. Kulkarni, Dept. of Chemistry Karnatak University Dharwad addressing the gathering on Applications of NMR spectroscopy in Techical Session-I . Students of M.Sc. (chemistry) from all PG centres were present

Date: 25/02/2019.
National Seminar: Conducted One day national seminar on ” Applications of NMR & Mass Spectroscopy in Chemistry”. Resource Person Prof. G.S Rashinkar, Dept. of Chemistry Shivaji University Kolhapur addressing the gathering on Applications of Mass spectroscopy in technical session-II.

Date: 28/02/2019.
Election awareness Programme: Principal Dr S.N.Patil conducted orientation programme/election awareness drive for first time voters of our college. The students were educated about their rights as voters, importance of voting, they were given a step by step analysis of the entire voting process. Sir also addressed their queries and clarified their doubts.

Date: 27/02/2019.
वाचाल तर वाचाल या उपक्रमा अंतर्गत आंतर महाविद्यालयीन निबंध स्पर्धा पारितोषिक वितरण समारंभ : प्रा. डॉ. माधुरी शानबाग यांच्या हस्ते पारितोषिक्त स्वीकारताना विजेते स्पर्धक . शेजारी व्याजपीठावर डॉ. अनिल आजगावकर आणि प्राचार्य एस. एन. पाटील .
स्पर्धेचे निकाल
प्रथम क्रमांक : रसिक मालाइ.
द्वितीय क्रमांक : स्नेहा तिप्पण्णाचे.
तृतीय क्रमांक : पूनम पाटील.

Date: 27/02/2019.
मराठी भाषा दीना निमित्त २७ फेब्रु. रोजी वाचनाचे महत्व या विषयावर व्याख्यान देताना जेष्ठ साहित्यिक श्री अनिल आजगावकर. व्यासपीठावर ज्येष्ठ साहित्यिका प्रा. माधुरी शानबाग माजी प्राचार्य जी. एस . एस महाविद्यालय बेळगाव. , आणि प्राचार्य डॉ. एस. एन पाटील.

Date: 20/02/2019.
भाऊराव काकतकर महाविद्यालय बेळगाव येथील मराठी विभागातर्फे आयोजित आंतर महाविद्यालयीन वाचाल तर वाचाल स्पर्धेला विद्यार्थ्यांचा मोठा प्रतिसाद! विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये पुस्तक वाचनाची आवड निर्माण व्हावी म्हणून भाऊराव काकतकर महाविद्यालयात आंतर-महाविद्यालयीन वाचाल तर वाचाल ही स्पर्धा घेण्यात आली. मराठी भाषा दिन निमित्त महाविद्यालयाच्या मराठी विभागातर्फे या स्पर्धेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते. विद्यार्थ्यांनी त्यांना आवडलेलं पुस्तक वाचून ते का आवडलं, त्या पुस्तकाची वैशिष्ट्ये इत्यादी गोष्टींवर निबंधवजा लेख लिहायचा होता. विविध महाविद्यालयातील विद्यार्थ्यांचा मोठा प्रतिसाद लाभला असून तब्बल ६५ विध्यार्थी यामध्ये सहभाग घेतले होते. यातील विजेत्या विद्यार्थ्यांना रोख रक्कम व प्रमाणपत्र देऊन २७ फेब्रुवारी रोजी मराठी भाषा दिन कार्यक्रमात गौरविण्यात येणार आहे.

Date: 19/02/2019.
DMSM’ s Bhaurao kakatkar college’s Poltical Science Club commemorated Shivaji Maharaj’s birth anniversary ‘ShivMohotsav ‘. On this occasion competitions such as Pick n speak, fancy dress and Powada singing were organised. Prof Anita Patil, Dr Meena Mohite and Prof. Neeta P. Patil acted as judges. Principal Dr. S.N Patil gave away the prizes. Prize winners :
Powada – Sandeep Kundekar 1st, Vaishnavi Patil- 2nd.
Bhashan – Sandeep kundekar 1st , Digvijay Patil – 2nd, Samradni Patil -3rd.
Fancy Dress- Maya Dhamnekar 1st, Mahadevi Patil -2nd ,Sushant Kundekar -3rd.

Date: 17/02/2019.
Adv. Shri. R. V. Patil, Vice President DMS Mandal, Belgaum speaking during Two Days Scientific temper awareness programme’s Valedictory function. On the dias Shri. Subhash Oulkar Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, prof. Vikram Patil Joint Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, Shri. Sunil Swami, Ichalkaranji, Princ. Dr. S. N.Patil & Princ. R.D. Shelar.

Date: 17/02/2019.
Adv. Shri. R. V. Patil, Vice President DMS Mandal, Belgaum speaking during Two Days Scientific temper awareness programme’s Valedictory function. On the dias Shri. Subhash Oulkar Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, prof. Vikram Patil Joint Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, Shri. Sunil Swami, Ichalkaranji, Princ. Dr. S. N.Patil & Princ. R.D. Shelar.

Date: 17/02/2019.
Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti activist Shri Krishnat Swami explaining scientific awareness projects for constructive change in society on 17-2-2019

Date: 17/02/2019.
Miss Vibhavari Nakate , Ichalkaranji , Member of Vivek Vahini guiding the staff members to promote scientific temper on 17- 2 – 2019.

Date: 16/02/2019.
Staff and students of B. K. College paying rich tribute to martyrs of Pulwama terror attack on 14-2-2019.

Date: 16/02/2019.
DMS Mandal’s B.K. College, Belgaum and District employment Exchange Office, Belgaum Jointly Organised job fair on 6th February, 2019 Prin. S N Patil (President) Mr. G. S korasgaon (FDA), Mr. Mahesh (SDA), Sumit Singh (HR) from District employment office were present on this Occasion.. 35 companies and around 1500 candidates participated in job fair.

Date: 16/02/2019.
Brainstorming and poster presentation on scientific temper by 18 teams of teaching and non teaching staff of college on 16-2-2019

Date: 16/02/2019.
Satyashodhak Sanshodhan Kendra has organised Two Days Scientific temper awareness programme in collaboration with Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti. Shri. Sunil Swami from Ichalkaranji speaking on blind belief and scientific temper. On the dias president of function Adv. Shri. R. V. Patil,Vice President DMS Mandal, Shri Subhash L. Oulkar, Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, Prof.V. L.Patl, Joint Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, Princ. Dr. S. N Patil & Princ. R. D. Shelar. All Teaching & Non Teaching Staff were present for the function.

Date: 14/02/2019.
Vote for India campaign: Enrolment of students for inclusion of their names in Electoral Roll . Staff members engaged in online filling and submitting Form 6 in Registration of Electors Rules 1960 through National Voters Services Portal (www.nvsp.in/forms/form 6). in picture Dr. Dr.M S Patil, Dr. M V Shinde, Prof. S. B tate, Prof. R S Huddar , Prof V N Jadhav, Prof. P P Redekar. this campaign was conducted by Computer Science Department.

Date: 13/02/2019.
Prize distribution Ceremony. Chief guest Prof. V.L. Patil Joint secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum , Honoring winners of Inter Collegiate Cultural events conducted by our cultural department. On the dias Dr. M. M. mohite, Prof. A. S. Patil, Prof. N. P. Patil.

Date: 13/02/2019.
Science Association Organised A lecture on ‘Natural Beauty’ by Dr. L. N. Ghorpade Retired Reader and Head Dept.of Botany Warana College, Warananagar. All staff members & students of botany department were present.

Date: 13/02/2019.
Under faculty exchange programme as a part of MOU activity, Dr. Kailas Patil HOD of Economics in Vivekanand College Kolhapur explaining ‘purchasing power parity theory’ to the students of BCom IV sem on 13-2-2019.

Date: 13/02/2019.
Faculty exchange programme under MOU with Vivekanand College Kolhapur. Dr. M. V. Charankar, HOD of Commerce delivering a lecture on consignment accounts to BCom II sem students on 13-2-2019.

Date: 13/02/2019.
Distribution of 150 copies of the book ‘Goods and Services Tax’ authored by CA Pravin Pote to the students of BCom VI sem generously (freely) on 13-2-2019 as a part of social responsibility and industry academia linkage.

Date: 13/02/2019.
Guest lecture on ‘GST – Input Tax Credit’ by Pravin Pote, Chartered Accountant, Belgaum for BCom VI sem students on 13-2-2019. Topic was explained through audio visual aids. He solved many practical problems and answered the questions raised by students.

Date: 10/02/2019
Political Science club organised one day study tour to Bijapur & Almatti dam. In Bijapur the students visited Ibrahim Rouza and Gol Gumbaz which are marvels in the style of deccan architecture. At Ibrahim rouza the students discussed the administration and work of Ibrahim Adil Shah. After this the group proceeded to Almatti dam. The study tour consisted a group of 30 students accompanied by faculty Bhakti Desai and Shubham Chavan and Alumni Asavari Patil.

Date 08/02/2019
रोड सेफ्टी के अवसर पर हमारे महाविद्यालय में छात्रा के लिए कार्यक्रम ०८ फेब्रुवारी को संपन्न हो गया. प्रमुख अतिथि के रूप में आर . टी ओ. ऑफिसर श्री श्रीनिवास मगदुम सर उपस्तित थे. सर ने चित्रित और भाषण के माध्यम से दुर्घटना कैसे होती है ? दुर्घटनाये कैसे कम कर सकते है ? हेलमेट कैसे जरुरी है ? रास्ते के नियम का पालन करना चाहिए उसके बारे में बताया. इस अवसर पर रेडक्रॉस ऑफिसर डॉ. महेश शिंदे सर जी ने स्वागत किया . प्रा. नीता पाटील मैडम जी ने आभार प्रदर्शन किया. कार्यक्रम को महाविद्यालय के प्राध्यापक वर्ग और ३०० से ज्यादा छात्रोने भाग लिया.

Special lecture on Industrial Recession by Dr. Vijay Kakade, Economist Kolhapur organised by Jyoti Economics & Commerce Forum on 6th Feb 2019.

Inauguration of Jyoti Economics & Commerce Forum on 5th by Dr. J. F. Patel Economists, Kolhapur.

Special Lecture on Union Budget 2019 By Dr. J. F. Patil Economists Kolhapur. Audience includes Management, Traders, Industrialist,Chartered Accountant, Academicians, Students, Alumni, Parents, Agriculturists, Politicians. Etc.

Gymkhana & Allied Associations has organised Annual Medical Check-up camp.A team of 13 doctors headed by Dr. S. B. Kodkani conducted medical check up for 684 students. It was held at Ladies Hostel and Gymkhana. About 684 students under went the check-up of them. 383 students 20 from B.Com. 235 from B.Sc., & 66 students from Arts, The team of doctors distributed medicines and prescription given for further treatment if need be. Dr. M. M. Mohite & Prof. S K. Patil & other staff members were worked for succesfull completion of this camp.

MOU Activity: Dr. M. S. Patil HOD of Commerce delivering a lecture on innovation to the B.Com Students in Vivekanand College , Kolhapur under faculty exchange programme on 2 nd Feb 2019. Dr. Mrs. Charankar HOD of Commerce , Vivekanand College Kolhapur is also seen.

Live demonstration of Union Budget 2019 by Finance Minister Piyush Goyal in Loksabha on 1st February 2019 in College Gymkhana. The staff and students watching the live presentation of Budget. All staff members of Commerce and More than 200 students of B.Com, BBA & M.Com were presents for the programe.

Youth Red Cross and Women’s Welfare Associations Jointly organized Health & Hygine guidence programme for ladies. On the dias Princ. Dr. S. N.Patil , Chief guest Shailaja Patil , Prof. A. S. Patil & Prof. N.P. Patil. Girl students of college were present for the function.

Inauguration of Quiz Competition Programme. On the Dias Princ. Dr. S. N.Patil Dr. M. V. Shinde. Prof. R. D. Shelar & Prof. Sharada Jadhav.

Dr. M. S. Deshmukh speaking during Faculty Development programme.

Celebration of Republic Day. During National Flag hosting Princ. M. B. Nirmalkar, Dr. R. M. Bapshet Dr. S. N. Patil & Shri Salgude.

Celebrated National Voters Day. Students taking oath during National Voters Day.

Annual Sports Prize Distribution Ceremany.

Dr. M. B. Kothale, Principal KLE B I Bagewadi College Nippani Interacting with faculty members during Faculty Development Programe.

Miss Swati Jog, Training & Placement Officer Bhartesh Busines School,Belgaum interacting with students during career guidence programme .

Blood Donation Camp Organised by Youth Red Cross, Bharat Scouts & Guides, NSS Unit On the occassion of Youth Day. in Picture Dr. M. V. Shinde, Dr. D. N. Misale, Princ. Dr. S. N. Patil, Prof. N. P. Patil , Prof V. Y .Patil, Prof. S. B.Tate & Prof R. S. Huddar.

Celebration of 156th Swami Vivekanand Jayanti , In picture Prin.Dr. S N. Patil , Prof. N.P. Patil & Students.

Swami Mokshananadaji Speaking on the accassion of Celebration of 156<sup>th</sup> Swami Vivekanand Jayanti , on the dias Arjun Awardee Shri Mukund Killedar, Shri Jamadaar, Prin. Dr. S N Patil And Shri Rayanna Sir.

Prin. DR S N Patil, Staff & Students during Celebration of 190<sup>th</sup> Mahatma Savitribai Phule Jayanti.

CA Sourabh Deshmukh Speaking during Special Talk & Interaction Program. On the dias Prin. Dr. S. N.Patil & Prof. Bhakti Desai

On the Occassion of Valmiki Jatyanti Celebration, Prof.Vikram.L.Patil , Principal Dr. S.N.Patil Other Staff members

Principal. Dr. S. N. Patil , Prin.M. B. Nirmalkar and Prof V. L. Patil saluting father of nation on the occassion of Gandhi Jayanti.

Date: 20/09/2018
Hon. Joint Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum Prof . V.L.Patil addressing Parents-Teacher meet . also on dias Dr. M.V. Shinde, Princpal Dr. S.N Patil, Prof. M.N.Patil & shri Chatru Patil

Date: 07/09/2018
Mr. Mahesh Magasala HR Manager IPM Academy addressing the students during campus recruitment. Beside to him Dr. M.S Patil, Prof. M.N Desai & Placement officer Prof Y. R.Mutagekar

Date: 25/08/2018
Scout Rovers of B. K. College Served as Volunteer during severe flood in Kerla & Karnataka & Donated essential commodities in Kodagu & Madikeri.

Date: 25/08/2018
Alumni Association Programme- ” Toppers Felicitation & Distrubution of Anand Shikshan Nidhi” – Shri R.Y.Patil, President of Alumni Association addressing the students . Shri Subhash Oulkar ,Secretary, DMS Mandal , Prof. V.L.Patil Joint Secretary DMS Mandal, Principal Dr. S. N. Patil & Dr. M .V Shinde also in picture ”

Date: 04/09/2018
Dr. S. N.patil Welcoming chief guest Dr.V.D. Gizare & Dr. Vaishali Kittur during “Health Awareness programe”Jointly Organised by Womens Welfare Association & Youth Red Cross. Prof. A.S.Patil is also in picture.