The Alumni Association of our college was started in the year 1995. It was registered in the year 2006 with No.BEL-5719-2005-2006, dtd; 30/01/2006.
- To establish funds for the purpose of endowing scholarship to the deserving students.
- To institute awards for ‘ Best-Students’ and college toppers.
- To help students in curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular activities, so as to develop there in all ways.
- The college has a potential for high quality sports in kho-kho, kabbadi, body building, karate, thus to encourage them, to participate at all levels.
- To meet classmates and others and colleagues and to establish good relation ending in uplifment of the Alma-mater.
- To mobilize funds for the development of the college.
- The association should help the college in Gross Enrollment Ratio.
- The association should help, guide the students for employability.
- To assist the student in the institution with academic activities like seminars, intention with special invitees, achievers for the development of their scientific, temper, critical thinkers and employability.
- To undertake all acts, deeds and thinks as may needed,necessary or conductive to the attainment of the aforesaid objectives.
Activities in 2016-17
Felicitation of college toppers along with their parents on Friday, the 28th August 2016. Chief Guest Prof. V. L. Patil, Joint Secretary, D.M.S. Mandal, Belgaum, Guest Alumni Shri Gopal R. Gavada were invited. In this function following events were carried out.
- Felicitation of college toppers along with their parents.
- Felicitation of Alumni.
- Distribution of cash prizes for 1st Rank in each faculty.
- Distribution of financial Assistance. Anand Shikshan Nidhi.
All above prizes were given at the hands of Prof. V. L. Patil, Shri. Gopal R. Gavada, Principal Dr. D. N. Misale.
List of the students Toppers in May 2016-17 examination.
Felicitation of Best Boy & Best Girl of the year 2016 – 17
Best Boy and Best Girl awards in each faculty were given for the year 2016-17 in Annual Prize Distribution function arranged on Saturday, the 15th April 2017 at 10.30 a.m. in Marutirao Kakatkar Hall. Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Shivanand B. Hosamani, Honble Vice Chancellor, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi. Guest of Honour, Mr. Sudhir Darekar Managing Director, Hydropack (India) Pvt. Ltd. Belgaum, President Shri. Subhash L. Oulkar, Secretary, D. M. S. Mandal Belgaum. Principal Dr. D. N. Misale and others presented the Best Boy, Best Girl awards in presence of their parents. Prize consist of Cash Prize, Momento, Rose and Certificate.
Cash Prize was as follows:
Best Boy Award : Rs. 1000/-
Best Girl Award : Rs. 1000/-
Facultiwise list of Best Boys and Best Girls
Award | Name of the student | Class | Perccentage | Faculty |
Best Boy | Mr. Juned Javed Mulla | B.A.III | 83.04% | Arts |
Best Girl | Miss. Asavari Sudhir Patil | B.A.III | 79.46% | Arts |
Best Boy | Mr. Vinayak Vilas Jadhav | B.Com.III | 76.23% | Commerce |
Best Girl | Miss. Vedita Budhaji Gaonkar | B.Com.III | 77.39% | Commerce |
Best Girl | Miss. Tejasvi Balu Chopade | B.Com.III | 80.16% | Commerce |
Best Boy | Mr. Santosh Vasant Patil | B.Sc. III | 76.65% | Science |
Best Girl | Miss. Poonam Bhavkanna Dhavale | B.Sc. III | 85% | Science |
In addition to this, outstanding teachers and alumni were facilitated by giving rose and gift for their achievements in K-SET, NET and other examinations
Sl.No | Name of alumini | Subject | Achievements |
1 | Miss. Arati Jadhav | Marathi | Ph.D |
2 | Miss. Sarita Motarache | Marathi | Ph.D |
3 | Mr. Devendra Kamble | Political Science | K-SET |
4 | Miss. Vaishali Patil | Commerce | K-SET |
5 | Miss. Aditi Mutgekar | Commerce | K-SET |
6 | Miss. Laxmi Kangralkar | Commerce | K-SET |
7 | Mr. Kiran Chougule | Commerce | Company Secretary |
8 | Miss. Sonali Kangale | Marathi | K-SET |
9 | Miss. Bharati Gurav | Marathi | K-SET |
10 | Miss. Minal Shaikh | Marathi | K-SET |
Report for the Academic Year 2017-18
Felicitation of college toppers along with their parents on Tuesday, the 26th September 2017.
Chief Guest Shri. B. B. Shinde (Marathi Vidyaniketan Belgaum), Alumni representative Shri. M. B. Gurav, Headmaster, Kudremani Highschool, President of the programme Shri S. L. Oulkar, Secretary, D. M. S. Mandal, Prominent Entrepreneur Shri Deepak Oulkar, Parent representative CA M. D. Chougule were present. Joint Secretary, D.M.S. Mandal, Belgaum, Guest Alumni
Shri Gopal R. Gavada were invited. In this function following events were carried out.
- Felicitation of college toppers along with their parents.
- Felicitation of Alumni.
- Distribution of cash prizes for 1st Rank in each faculty.
- Distribution of financial Assistance to poor and deserving students through Anand Shikshan Nidhi.
The toppers were awarded with momento, certificate and cash prizes of Rs. 1000, Rs. 750, Rs. 500 to first, second and third rankholder respectively.
List of the toppers in May, 2017 examination
Sl.No | Name of the student | Class | Marks Obt | Percentage | Rank |
1 | Mr. Juned Mulla | B.A.III | 2060 / 2400 | 85.83% | I |
2 | Miss. Geeta Danadavar | B.A.III | 1976 / 2400 | 82.33% | II |
3 | Miss. Asavari S. Patil | B.A.III | 1893 / 2400 | 80.58% | III |
4 | Miss. Sarika M. Pawale | B.Com.III | 3654 / 4200 | 87.76% | I |
5 | Miss. Sonali M. Patil | B.Com.III | 3614 / 4200 | 86.66% | II |
6 | Miss. Deepali D. Khadarwadkar | B.Com.III | 3580 / 4200 | 85.84% | III |
7 | Miss. Raghavakumari R. Sungar | B.Sc.III | 3165 / 3600 | 87.92% | I |
8 | Miss. Poonam B. Dhavale | B.Sc.III | 3137 / 3600 | 87.14% | II |
9 | Miss. Nilam L. Kadolkar | B.Sc.III | 3240 / 3600 | 85.26% | III |
Alumni Meet on 21st January, 2018
Alumni meeting for the year 2017-18 was conducted on Sunday, 21st January 2018 at 10.00 am in the Gymkhana Hall of the college to seek the opinion of the alumni about the college and to invite the suggestions to improve the quality of the institution. Advocate R. V. Patil, Vice President D. M. S. Mandal presided over the meeting. Former secretary of D. M. S. Mandal and Ex-principal of Bhaurao Kakatkar College Shri V. A. Patil advised the alumni to contribute to the social cause and for development of the institution. Present secretary of D. M. S. Mandal Shri Subhash Oulkar interacted with alumni and emphasised the role of the alumni in development of the institution. Joint secretary Prof. V. L. Patil encouraged the alumni to accept the challenges and play changing role in higher education. Prin Basavraj Koluche welcomed all the guests and alumni. Principal of the college Dr. D. N. Misale highlighted various projects undertaken by the college and placed before the alumni the vision and mission of the institution. Shri Vaibhav Umarjeet, Shri Suresh Bhatkande, Shri Ganpat Patil, Shri Rajesh Patange, Shri Sunil Sambhaji, Smt. Vaishali Patil expressed the gratitude about the college. The feedback about the activities and institution were managed by Prof. Avadhut Manage. Dr. M. S. Patil acted as master of ceremony and Prof. R. S. Huddar proposed vote of thanks. About 150 alumni responded positively to our invitation and presented their views.
Motivational Workshop on Enhancing mindpower by Shri P. S. Rathore on 14th March, 2018
Renowned management guru and international corporate trainer Prof. P. S. Rathore was invited on behalf of alumni association to bring innovative ideas and to motivate the staff alumni and students of the college. Manay practical aspects such as motivational songs, firewalks, introspection, yoga, self hypnosis and dance were conducted during this programme. President of alumni association Shri R. Y. Patil presided over the programme. Principal, staff and students actively involved in this programme.
Felicitation of Best Boy & Best Girl of the year 2017 -18 and Parent Meet on 10th April 2018
Best Boy and Best Girl awards in each faculty were given for the year 2017-18 in Annual Prize Distribution function arranged on Tuesday, the 10th April 2018 at 10.00 a.m. in Marutirao Kakatkar Hall. Chief Guest Group Captain Shri R. K. Prasad, IAF Station, Belgaum. Guest of honour Dr. Shanmukh Kuchbal, Faculty of mathematics, SGB Institute of Technology, Belgaum. The programme was presided over by Prin. Dr. D. N. Misale. In this programme the Shri Ramtirthkar District Level Best Teacher Award winner Shri Suresh Bhatkande (alumnus of our college) has been felicitated with sanmanpatra and momento. Shri Shanmukh Kuchbal, the alumnus of our college has been felicitated for being awarded PhD in mathematics. Group captain Shri R. K. Prasad delivered a very informative lecture on career in air force The best student awards consisting of cash prize, momemto and certificate were given by guests to selected students in presence of their parents.
Cash Prize was as follows:
Best Boy Award : Rs. 1500/-
Best Girl Award : Rs. 1500/-
List of the faculty wise best boy and best girl awards & their details are as follows:
Award | Name of the student | Class | Percentage | Faculty |
Best Boy | Ashwajeet Ramesh Choudhari | B.A. VI Sem | 72.80% | Arts |
Best Girl | Urja R. Kudachi | B.A. VI Sem | 70.22% | Arts |
Best Boy | Mukund Rama Patil | B.Com.VI Sem | 73.66% | Commerce |
Best Girl | Carmelinaleeza P. Fernandes | B.Com.VI Sem | 87.78% | Commerce |
Best Boy | Ganpati Dinkar Sawant | B.Sc. VI Sem | 69.68% | Science |
Best Girl | Vaishali Narayan Hannurkar | B.Sc. VI Sem | 83.31% | Science |
Report for the Academic Year2018-19
Alumni Association has conducted the following activities during the academic year 2018-19.
Toppers Felicitation
- Name of the activity: Toppers felicitation programme
- Guest: R.Y. Patil, president, alumni association,
Shri.C.Y. Patil, secretary, alumni association,
Shri. S. L. Oulkar, secretary.D.M.S. Mandal.
Prof. V. L. Patil, joint secretary, D.M.S. Mandal.
Prin. Dr. S. N. Patil.
- Date: 25-08-2018
- Time: 00 a. m. onwards
- Venue: Marutirao Kakatkar hall
- Activity details: Alumni association of Bhaurao Kakatkar College had organized toppers felicitation programme along with their parents on 25th 2018. The programme began with the speech by Principal Dr. S.N. Patil to motivate students for academic excellence. Speech was followed by felicitation programme. Shri. R.Y. Patil president of Alumni Association appreciated the students for their excellent performances in academics. The Annand Shikshan Nidhi also distributed at the hand of guest and Shri. Subhash Oulkar, Secretary D.M.S. Mandal, Belgaum. The association also felicitated the alumni for achieving success in their fields.
- Felicitated Students List:
The felicitated students list is as follows:
The Felicitated students list
Sl.No | Name of the student | Class | Percentage |
1 | Miss. Shweta Pujari | B.A. III | 89.33% |
2 | Miss. Sujata Mahanaik | B.A. III | 85.33% |
3 | Miss. Shivleela Virakhmath | B.A. III | 84.08% |
4 | Miss. Carmelinaleeza Fernandez | B.Com. III | 84.80% |
5 | Miss. Poonam Dhamnekar | B.Com. III | 82.68% |
6 | Miss. Shweta Chandilkar | B.Com. III | 80.68% |
7 | Miss. Namrata Patil | B.Sc.III | 89.76% |
8 | Miss. Vaishali Hannurkar | B.Sc.III | 84.86% |
9 | Mr. Babu Chimunache | B.Sc.III | 83.55% |
Felicitated Alumni List
Sl.No | Name of the alumni | Exam |
1 | Dr. Sarojini Chougule | (KSET-Marathi) |
2 | Prof. Ashok Algondi | (KSET-Marathi) |
3 | Prof. Kavita Patil | (KSET-Marathi) |
4 | Prof. Sujata Patil | (KSET-Marathi) |
5 | Prof. Narayan Toralkar | (KSET-Chemistry) |
6 | Shri. Naim Mulla | (KSET-Chemistry) |
7 | Shri Shivanand Bekwad | (KSET-Chemistry) |
8 | Shri. Rajesh Bharankar | (KSET-Chemistry) |
9 | Prof. Shubham Chavan | (KSET-English) |
10 | Prof. Sanjay Band | (MSET-Hindi) |
11 | Shri. Yuvraj Malatwadkar | (Clerk B.O.I) |
12 | Shri .Sourabh Undre | (KSET-Commerce) |
13 | Shri. Atul Adav | (KSET-Commerce) |
Teacher – Parents Meet
- Name of the activity: Teacher – Parents Meet
- Guest: C.Y. Patil, Secretary Alumni Association,
Prof. V. L. Patil, Joint Secretary D. M. S. Mandal, Prin. Dr. S.N. Patil
- Date: 25-09-2018
- Time: 00 a.m.
- Venue: Marutirao Kakatkar hall
- Activity details:
The Teacher Parents meeting for B.A., B.Com. B.Sc. 1st sem. was scheduled on 20th Sep. 2018 to discuss about student progress and performance at B.K College, Belgaum. The meeting was conducted at marutirao kakatkar hall, B.K. College, Belgaum from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Prof. V. L. Patil Joint Secretary addressed the parents regarding history, rules and regulations of D. M.S. Mandal. Prin. Dr. S.N. Patil highlighted the best practices followed by college for effective teaching –learning process and how it helps students for their overall developments and higher studies. Shri. C.Y. Patil
Secretary alumni association also addressed to teacher and parents regarding overall development of the college.
Outcomes of meeting
- Around 110 parents attended the parent teachers meeting.
- Interaction amongst parents, teachers, principal, management and alumni representative.
- Discussion was focused on student’s specific strengths, weakness and student discipline, mobile usage in campus.
- Parents’ feedback hard copy was taken for reference.
- Parents expressed their gratitude regarding the care taken by the college for growth of students. The PTM concluded that the progress of the students depends on the joint efforts of parents and teachers.
Felicitation of Best Students
- Name of the activity: Felicitation of Best Student
- Guest: Sunita Suryabankar former. Prin. Of RPD College, Belgaum,
Prin. S. V. Jathar, Governing council member of D.M.S. Mandal,
Prof. V. L. Patil Joint Secretary D.M.S. Mandal, Belgaum.
- Date: 05-04-2019
- Time: 30 a.m.
- Venue: Hall no. 4
- Activity details:
Faculty wise best student award was given for the academic year 2018-19. The awards were given in annual prize distribution function held on 5th Apr. 2019 at 9.30 a.m. Prin. Dr. S.N. Patil and other dignitaries presented the best student awards in presence of their parents. Award consist of cash prize of Rs 1000/-, memento, rose and certificate.
Faculty wise list of best students and their details are as follows
Sl.No | Name of the Student | | Percentage | Faculty |
1 | Mr. Suraj J. Hattalge | 68 | 78.15% | Arts |
2 | Miss. Triveni J. Jadhav | 239 | 87.14% | Commerce |
3 | Miss. Priyanka J. Patil | 71 | 72.41% | Science |
Report for the Academic Year 2019-20
Alumni Association has conducted the following activities during the academic year 2019-20
Toppers felicitation
Name of the activity: Toppers felicitation programme
Guest: Shri. Shridhar Gotur- Alumnus &Tahshildar Belgaum,
Shri. C.Y. Patil, Secretary, Alumni Association,
Shri. S. l. Oulkar, Secretary. D.M.S. Mandal.
Prof. V. L. Patil, Joint Secretary, D.M.S. Mandal.
Prin. Dr. S. N. Patil.
Date: 28-08-2019
Time: 10.00 a. m. onwards
Venue: Marutirao Kakatkar hall
Activity details: Alumni association of Bhaurao Kakatkar College had organized toppers felicitation programme along with their parents on 28th Aug. 2019. The programme began with the speech by Principal Dr. S.N. Patil to motivate students for academic excellence. Speech was followed by felicitation programme. Shri. Shridhar Gotur Alumnus & Tahshildar Belgaum appreciated the students for their excellent performances in academics. Shri. C.Y.Patil, Secretary Alumni Association, also guided toppers, parent & students. The association also felicitated the alumni for achieving success in their fields
The felicitated students list
Sl.No | Name of the student | Class | Rank |
1 | Miss. Rekha M. Devatar | B.A. III | I |
2 | Miss. Saraswati H. Hulakand | B.A. III | II |
3 | Miss. Rekha K. Patil | B.A. III | II |
4 | Mr. Sunil Doddannavar | B.A. III | III |
5 | Miss. Neha P. Patil | B.Com. III | I |
6 | Miss. Sheetal S. Mannolkar | B.Com. III | II |
7 | Miss. Pooja M. Patil | B.Com. III | III |
8 | Miss. Renuka G. Dharmoji | B.Sc. III | I |
9 | Miss. Pragati G. Ghasari | B.Sc. III | II |
10 | Miss.Vaishnvi M. Patil | B.Sc. III | III |
- Alumni Association and Youth Red Cross Wing jointly organized webinar on ‘Covid -19 PANDEMIC: Past, present and future ‘on 11th June ,2021. Dr. Savita Kaddu addressed the Youth Red Cross Volunteers.
- Alumni Association, Botany Department and IQAC jointly organized the one-day national level webinar on ‘plant tissue culture –A tool for biodiversity conservation’ on 15-06-2021. Dr. Sunita S. Shinde, Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Karnataka University, Dharwadwas the resource person.
Felicitation of Best Students
- Best students awards were given in each faculty for the year 2020-21 at the farewell function arranged on 8th Sept. 2021.
Chief Guest Prof. V.L. Patil, Secretary, D.M.S. Mandal, Guest of honour Prof. S.S.Patil and Principal Dr. S.N.Patil presented the best student award in presence of their parents. - The Best Student Award comprises of a cash prize of Rs.1000/-, memento and a certificate.
Faculty wise list of best students and their details are as follows
Sl.No | Name of the Student | Class | Faculty |
1 | Mr. Satish Krishna Chavan | B.A. III | Arts |
2 | Miss. Rashmi Gundu Shindolkar | B.Com. III | Commerce |
3 | Miss. Veena Siddangouda Patil | B.Sc. III | Science |
Teacher – Parents Meet
Name of the activity: Teacher – Parents Meet
Guest: Prof. V. L. Patil, Joint Secretary D. M. S. Mandal,
Prof. N. A. Ghorpade, Prominent Alumnus, Jyoti college, Belgaum
Prin. Dr. S.N. Patil
Date: 30-09-2019
Time: 10.00 a.m.
Venue: Marutirao Kakatkar hall
Activity details:
The Teacher Parents meeting for B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 1st sem. Was scheduled on 20th Sep. 2018 to discuss about student progress and performance at B.K College, Belgaum. The meeting was conducted at marutiraokakatkar hall, B.K. College, Belgaum from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Prof. V. L. Patil Joint Secretary addressed the parents regarding history, rules and regulations of D. M.S. Mandal. Prin. Dr. S.N. Patil highlighted the best practices followed by college for effective teaching –learning process and how it helps students for their overall developments and higher studies. Prof. N.A. Ghorpade Prominent Alumnus, Jyoti college, Belgaum also addressed to teacher and parents regarding overall development of the college.
Outcomes of meeting
1. Around 110 parents attended the parent teachers meeting.
2. Interaction amongst parents, teachers, principal, management and alumni representative.
3. Discussion was focused on student’s specific strengths, weakness and student discipline, mobile usage in campus.
4. Parents feedback hard copy was taken for reference.
5. Parents expressed their gratitude regarding the care taken by the college for growth of students.
Report for the Academic Year : 2020-21
Alumni Association has conducted the following activities during the academic year 2020-21.
1) Alumni Association of Bhaurao Kakatkar College organized ‘Toppers Felicitation Programme& Teacher –Parent Meet’ on 30-01-2021. Shri. C.A. Surendra Bargaonkar, Member, Alumni Association addressed the students, parents & teachers. Prof. S.S. Patil Alumnus also appreciated the students for their excellent performance in the academics.
Prof. V. L. Patil Secretary, D.M.S. Mandal. Dr. Deepak Desai, Joint Secretary, D.M.S. Mandal also guided teachers, parents and students regarding overall development of the college. Principal Dr. S.N. Patil highlighted the best practices of the college for effective teaching-learning process. The association also felicitated the alumni for achieving success in their fields.
The felicitated students list
Sl.No | Name of the student | Class | Percentage | Rank |
1 | Miss. Akshata Kamannache | B.A. III | 83.83% | I |
2 | Mr. Manjunath Dalawai | B.A. III | 82.25% | II |
3 | Miss. Rahel Yelakapatti | B.A. III | 82.25% | III |
4 | Miss. Veena V. Gavi | B.Com. III | 88.30% | I |
5 | Miss. Gayatri A. Kakade | B.Com. III | 86.27% | II |
6 | Miss. Vasundhara Jadhav | B.Com. III | 84.41% | III |
7 | Miss. Vijayanti Patil | B.Sc. III | 93.33% | I |
8 | Miss. Rasika Ingale | B.Sc. III | 89.31% | II |
9 | Miss. Pratibha S. Vadarale | B.Sc. III | 87.44% | III |
Faculty wise list of best students and their details are as follows
Sl.No | Name of the Student | Class | Faculty |
1 | Mr. Satish Krishna Chavan | B.A. III | Arts |
2 | Miss. Rashmi Gundu Shindolkar | B.Com. III | Commerce |
3 | Miss. Veena Siddangouda Patil | B.Sc. III | Science |
Report for the Academic Year : 2023 – 24
Alumni Association has conducted following activities.
Toppers Felicitation Programme and Teacher – Parents Meet
Shri. D. B. Patil Executive Member of Alumni Association.
C.A Mahesh Killekar
Prin. Dr. S.N. Patil
Date: 29-08- 2023
Time : 10:00 a. m.
Venue: Marutirao Kakatkar hall
On this occasion Dr. M. V. Shinde welcomed the august gathering. Dr. S.N. Patil Principal of Bhaurao Kakatkar College explained various schemes and scholarships which are offered by the college to students. Shri. D. B. Patil encouraged the students and explained the role of college, alumni and parents in the new era of education policy. C.A Mahesh Killekar shared experiences about successful life. Before concluding the function there was open discussion with parents.
THE FELICITATED STUDENT LIST | Name of the student | Class | Percentage | Rank |
1 | Miss. Sandhya Kolkar | B.A.III | 85.97% | I |
2 | Miss Maheshwari Ghadi | B.A.III | 85.59% | II |
3 | Mr. Rushikesh Gavi | B.A.III | 85.40% | III |
1 | Miss. Pooja K. Wadekar | B.Com.III | 92.66% | I |
2 | Miss. Sarika S. Tanawade | B.Com.III | 92.61% | II |
THE FELICITATED STUDENT LIST | Name of the student | Class | Percentage | Rank |
3 | Miss. Akshata M. Mannurkar | B.Com.III | 91.88% | III |
1 | Miss. Tejaswini N. Patil | B.Sc. III | 94.83% | I |
2 | Miss. Madhuri A. Patil | B.Sc. III | 91.00% | II |
3 | Miss. Vidya S. Kalvikatte | B.Sc. III | 89.00% | III |
Best student awards were given in each faculty for the year 2023-24 at the Annual Prize Distribution function arranged on 14th Aug 2024.
Chief Guest Dr. Krishna Patil Co-ordinator, Distance Education, Shivaji University Kolhapur.
Guest of honour Shri. S. S. Patil – Principal & Executive Member of Alumni Association,
Principal Dr. S. N. Patil presented the best student awards in presence of their parents.
The best student award comprises of a cash Prize of Rs. 1000/-, Memento and certificate.
S.No. | Name of the student | Class | Faculty |
1 | Miss Priyanka Patil | B.Sc III | Science |
2 | Miss. Samrudhi Pingat | B.Com III | Commerce |
3 | Mr. Goutam Patwardhan | B.A. III | Arts |
Dr. M. V. Shinde
Alumni Association