Date :05/06/2020
Prin S N Patil ,Prin R D Shelar during plantation on the eve of World Environmental science day.

Date :25/05/2020 to 31/05/2020
An Online Literary Quiz in English Literature was organised by the Department of English from 25th May to 31st May. We received a good response from the students. 315 persons from different parts of India participated in this quiz and all of them were awarded with a merit certificate.

Date :21/05/2020
The Youth Red Cross wing and Bharatesh Homeopathic College jointly distributed Homeopathic tablets to members of teaching and non-teaching staff of Bhaurao Kakatkar College to fight against Covid -19. Chief guest being Dr. Rajashree Misale and guest of honour being Dr. Indira Kulkarni.
Date :20/05/2020
Conducted IQAC Sponsored Online Essay Competition on ” Covid-19 : Challenges & Issues”. Students from various Colleges has participated in the competition.

Date :16/03/2020
Workshop on students portal for filling examination form organised for teaching and non teaching staff of college on 16 March 2020. Prin . Dr. S. N. Patil speaking on the occasion.

Date :09/03/2020
The ELC n political science club organised a discussion on women suffrage to mark International Women’s day 2020. The PSC members striked the EachForEqual pose which is this year’s theme for women’s day.

Date :27/03/2020
भाऊराव काकतकर महाविद्यालयात 27 फेब्रुवारीला मराठी भाषा दिन मोठ्या उत्साहात पार पडला.या कार्यक्रमाला प्रमुख पाहुणे दैनिक पुढारी चे वृत्त संपादक संजय सूर्यवंशी तर दैनिक सकाळचे पत्रकार मलीकार्जून मुगळी हे होते.अध्यक्ष भाषण प्राचार्य डॉ. एस. एन.पाटील यांनी केले प्रास्ताविक व स्वागत प्रा.कविता पाटील यांनी केले.तर पाहुण्यांची ओळख स्नेहा धामनेकर हिने करून दिली. सूत्रसंचालन मेघा बेळगुंदकर तर आभार ऋतुजा ढेकोलकर हिने मानले.

Date : 22/02/2020
The Political Science club celebrated shivmohotsav 2020. Elocution & fancy dress competitions were held on this occassion. Dr Meena Mohite, Prof Anita Patil, Prof Neeta Patil graced the coccasion as judges.

Date : 11/02/2020
Prof Anand Rao of Vidya Poshak Graduate Finishing School delivering lecture on Skill Development to B Sc. & B.Com students as per MOU.

Date : 27/01/2020
The Political Science club n ELC club of the college conducted a debate on CAA & NRC followed by mock voting activity. The students voted the best speaker among the debators. Prasad kamble of BA 1st year was voted best speaker. Principal Dr S.N Patil guided the students regarding election process and voting do’s and dont’s.

Date : 26/01/2020
71 st Republic Day Celebrated in the college Prof. M. N. Desai Hosting the flag . Staff , Volunteers of NCC,NSS, Rover & Rangers , Youth Red Cross were presents for the ceremony.

Date : 25/01/2020
The students of the political science club participated in the election awareness rally organised by sweep officer and DC office, Belgaum.

Date : 24/01/2020
A special lecture Programme on ‘Adolescent Triumph Programme (ATP)’ . Dr. Vanita B. Metgud speaking during the interaction. This programme was organised by Karnataka State Obstetries and Gynaeology Associations with Women’s Welfare Association of BK College Belgaum. The objective of programme was to create awareness about the common issues faced by Adolescents like Sexual & Reproductive Health including menstrual Hygine malnutrition. Lady students and Staff members were present for the programme.

Date : 24/01/2020
Students & staff taking Voters Pledge.

Date : 20/01/2020
The Political science club and ELC club put together a “Wall of democracy” to raise awareness regarding importance of voting in a democracy. The wall was inaugurated by Principal Dr S.N Patil. Dr S.N.Patil appreciated the efforts of the students and encouraged them to take up such activities.

Date : 20/01/2020
CS career awareness program was organised by commerce association and department of commerce with Belgaum chapter of ICSI on 20th january, 2020. On this occasion B.Com, BBA, M.Com students and faculty members were attended. Mr. Dattanand Raikar and Mr. Sudhir Sutar were spokes person

Date : 18/01/2020
Annual Sports 2019-2020 & Prize distribution.

Date : 14/01/2020
Placement Cell B. K. College, Belgaum Organized a ‘Personaliry Development and Career Guidance Programme’ on 14 th January, 2020 at 9.30am in Hall no. 4 Mr. Chetan Digal, Senior Intelligence officer addressing the student.

Date : 11/01/2020
On the occasion of ‘Road Safety Week’ YRC wing and ‘Commerce Association’ organized a special programme on ‘Road Safety Awareness’ in collaboration with ‘Ashok Belgaum Dharwad Tollway Ltd. Belgaum’ on 11 th January, 2020 at 9.30am in Hall no. 4
Mr. Sunder Megeri, Toll manager, Ashoka Belgaum Dharwad Tollway Ltd. addressing the students.

Date : 09/1/2020
The postal department in association with B.K.College conducted an account opening drive for the students.

Date 08/01/2020
Documentary viewing : The Political Science Club organised documentary viewing activity. The students were shown a documentary on “Kashmir” followed by a discussion on Abrogation of article 370.

Date 07/01/2020
Awareness program
Awareness program for new voters by The Electoral literacy club & Voters Awareness forum. Principal Dr S.N. Patil guided the students on importance of voting and procuring voter id’s.

Date 28/10/2019
Under the instruction of Central Vigilance
Commission (CVC), G.O. dated 11.10.2019 with
Ref. No. F30-57/(2012)(CVO)/UGC– SWRO, programmes were conducted to observe “VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK – 2019. First of all the students were given the oath. Then competitions were conducted in Essay-writing and Poster painting competition in the college. It was done in partnership with the Syndicate Bank, Belgaum. About 24 students took part in the above said competitions. Nineteen students took part in the Essay writing and four students in poster competition.
“Integrity – A way of Life” was the theme.

Date 24/10/2019
Roteract Club: Volunteers of Roteract Club participated in ” No Polio ” Rally organised by Rotary Club of Venugram Belgaum.

Date 02/10/2019
Blood Donation Camp. Designated Units of B.K College & Rotary Club of Venugram Jointly organised Blood Donation & Eye Pledge Camp on the occasion of 150th Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti in College. 103 Donars donated blood.

Date 02/10/2019
Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan . On the eve of 150 th Gandhi Jayanti . Staff & Volunteers of all designated units undertaken Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan.

Date 02/10/2019
Celebration of 150th Gandhi Jayanti. Principal Dr. S. N. Patil Garlanding to the frame of Mahatma Gandhi , The Father of Nation. Beside Staff secretary Prof. M. N. Desai All staff members , Heads of designated Units & students were present.

Date 01/10/2019
One Day National Seminaar on Conservation of Wild Life. Chief guest speaker Dr. S. R. Yadav INSA Scientist , Former HOD of Botany Shivaji University Kolhapur. Guest of honor Prof. S. Y. Prabhu , Principal GSS College Belgaum. on the dias President of function Adv. R. V. Patil Vice president DMS Mandal Belgaum, Prof. V. L. Patil Joint Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, Dr. Deepak Desai, Princ. Dr. S. N. Patil, Dr. N.A. Jadhav.

Date 30/09/2019
Teacher Parents Meet organised by Alumni Association. Chief Guest Prof. V. L. Patil Joint Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum Speaking , Prof. M.V. Shinde welcomed Gathering, Dr. S. N. Patil Gave presidential remark. Prof. N. A. Ghorpade told role of Alumni Association, Prof. Dr. M.S. Patil explained role of Parents. Parents had interaction with staff members , discussed their problems & gave suggestions.

Date 30/09/2019
Adhar Jyoti Scheme Distribution programme Organised by Student Welfare Department . Beneficiary Students received amount cheques by the hands of Principal Dr. S. N. Patil, Prof. Nitin Gorpade, Prof. Dr. M. V. Shinde, Prof. M. N Desai. Staff, Students & Parents were present for the function.

Date 27/09/2019
Volunteers of Youth Red Cross, Unity for Vision & Scouts & Rovers attended Youth Convention Organised by Swami Vivekanand Ashram Belgaum.

Date 27/09/2019
Unity for Vision : Volunteers of Unity for Vision Visited to Gurudwara at Tilakwadi Belgaum

Date 24/09/2019
Anand Shikshan Nidhi Distrubution programme Organised by Student Welfare Department . Chief Guest Mrs. Nagratna Ramagonda from ” Ashraya ” foundation Belgaum, Guest of Honor Shri. Shivajidada Kaganikar, Shri. Subharashrao Oulkar Secretary DMS Mandal, prof. V. L. Patil Joint Secretary DMS Mandal , Shri Deepak Oulkar were present to the function. Students & Parents were felicitated by the hands of Chief Guest.

Date 21/09/2019
Dr. Surekha Pote leading Gyanaccologist from belgaum addressing the girls students on Health Awareness. On Dias Dr. S. N Patil, Prof. A.S. Patil, Prof. M. M. Mohite & Prof. N. P. Patil.

Date 17/09/2019
Home Visit Scheme Department of Commerce. Distubution of Books to the student at her home near Bharat Nagar Belgaum

Date 17/09/2019
Soft Skill training & Campus to corporate organised by Placement Cell for Final Year Students .

Date 16/09/2019
World Ozone Day: World Ozone day observed by Science Association on16. 9.2019. Shri Omkar Sonolkar B. Sc. V Sem welcomed all dignitaries on the dias and Judges of the competitions by offering flowers. Dr. Mrs. N. A. Jadhav madam gave the introduction of the program. Miss Sukanya Patil B. Sc. V Sem and Vaijayanti Patil explained the importantance, depletion and control measures of Ozone layer. Prof. V. L. Patil Head Dept. of Zoology spoke on the occasion. He told that how the Montreal Protocol came in to existence and the theme of this year 32 year of healing. He guided the students to take strong steps to save the Ozone layer. Prof. Pooja Pawar Dept. of Physics announced the prizes. Prof. A. S. Kulkarni presided over the function. Miss Samruddhi Shahapurkar proposed vote of thanks. Miss Shraddha More and Shraddha Nagavadekar hosted the function.

Date 15/09/2019
Home Visit Scheme : Prof. M. N. Desai, Prof. A.S. Patil & Prof N. P. Patil delivering the books to students under scheme Home Visit Scheme

Date 14/09/2019
Home Visit Scheme : Mrs. Vaishali Shinde Librarian delivering the books to students under Home Visit Scheme .

Date 14/09/2019
Celebration of Hindi Day: Principal Dr. S. N.Patil felicitating Cheif Guest of function Dr. Hindurao Gharpankar Principal Dr. B. D. Jatti College of Education Belgaum. Prof. N. P. Patil, Prof. S. B. Tate & prof. Dr. A. S. Chingali are also in Picture. Students & Staff were present.

Date 13/10/2019
Home Visit Scheme : Dr. D. N.Misale, Prof. A.V. Manage along with students family members. Team of staff members visited & had communication with students & family members & gifted her study material

Date 13/10/2019
Political Science Club & Red Cross Unit: Electoral awareness programme Jointly organised by political science Club & Red Cross Unit .

Date 07/09/2019
Political Science Club : Political Science Club Organised the viewing of the doccumentary ” Operation Blue Star” .

Date 05/09/2019
Teachers Day celebration : On the occassion of Teachers Day Princ. Dr. S. N . Patil delivering presidential remark. On the dias Prof. V. L. Patil Joint Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum & Staff secretary Prof. M.N. Desai.

Date 04/09/2019
Political Science Club : Political Science Club Organised the veiwing of the doccumentary ” Class Dissmissed : A Malala Yousafai Story”.

Date 31/08/2019
Validatary Function : Principal Dr S. N.Patil speaking during validatory function of FDP. On the dias Dr. M.S. Patil, Mr. Akshay Khutwad & Mr. Sourabh Kulkarni.
Click here for detailed Report

Date 31/08/2019
Red Cross : Volunteers of Red Cross Units Visited to Flood affected area’s of Ambwadi Village of Belgaum District & Donated needfull materials to affected peoples.

Date 29/08/2019
National Sports Day : On the occassion National Sports Day Live Telecast of FIT INDIA programme was conducted . Students & staff were present for the programme.

Date 28/08/2019
NSS Programme: On the occassion of Swachhata Pankhawada . Our NSS Unit with Hindustaan Petrolium Corporation Limited created awareness on Cleanliness through Street plays at various Petrol pumps near Sanman Hotel, RPD Cross, Ganeshpur, Khanapur Road & Railway station.

Date 28/08/2019
Topper’s Felicitation Programme: Topper’s Felicitation Programme organised by Alumni Associations. Chief Guest Shridhar Gotur Alumnus & Tashildar Belgaum , Guest of Honour being Shri. C. Y. Patil prominnent alumnus & best teacher awardee.

Date 28/08/2019
FDP . : Mr. Sohel Gayakwad ethical Hacker from Pune Guiding on Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking in MHRD sponsored FDP .

Date 28/08/2019
Plant Sapling Exhibition by Botany Dept. : Student planted Medicinal & Ornamental pants. Dr. N.A.Jadhav Head Botany Dept. welcome gathering. Dr. J. M. Oulkar head botany dept Jyoti PU College was the chief guest of the function . She explained interaction of plants & animals. Dr. S. N. Patil inagurated the exhibition by watering the plant also told importance of identification & conservation of plants. Shradha more , Shradha Navagekar made necessary arrangement, Yogesh Sambrekar proposed Vote of thanks.

Date 26/08/2019 & 27/08/2019
Faculty Development Programme: Mr. Aniket Badami Penestration Tester Conducting Training programme on Cyber Security.

Date 26/08/2019
Faculty Development Programme: Dr. Dinesha H.A. Chief Guest speaking during inaguration of MHRD Sponsored Faculty Development programme organised in association with Shivaji University Kolhapur . On the dias Resource Person Mr. Aniket Bagal. Prici. Dr. S. N Patil, Dr. M. S. Patil. Faculty members of Various collges has participated in the programme.

Date 24/08/2019
Science Association : Dr. Shivram Bhoje , Scientist BARC delivering a lecture on Nuclear Energy , Organized by Science Associatons BK College Belgaum. All the faculty members & students of science department were present for the function.

Date 22/08/2019
UNITY FOR VISION : Rtn. Rajeshkumar Talegaon President Rotary club of Venugram Belgaum , guiding us to the unity for vision students during the Inaugural function of New Batch 2019-2022

Date 20/08/2019
POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUB: Political Science club Freshers day program 2019. The Senior members of the club organised freshers day and welcome program for freshers. The program was marked by ice- breaker games and selection of Mr Fresher PSC & Miss Fresher Psc 2019. Prof Shubham Chavan, Miss Asavari Patil & Miss Mallika Mulla acted as judges

Date 20/08/2019
POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUB: Induction program 2019. PSC Council for 2019-20 was inducted by Patron of the club Principal Dr S.N.Patil. Ex- Presidents of the club and alumni Prof Shubham Chavan, Miss Asavari Patil & Miss Mallika Mulla were were present as chief Guest.

Date 20/08/2019
CELEBRATION OF SADABHAVANA DIVAS: Students are taking the Oath during sadbhavana Divas.

Date 20/08/2019
FLOOD RELIEF FUND: Students of NSS, NCC, Redcross & Rovers were contrubuting as donation to peoples of Flood affected area’s.

Date 19/08/2019
POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUB: Political Science club – Political Party Project. The political science club organised a political party project competition for students. The competition was judged by prof shubham chavan, Miss Asavari patil & Miss Mallika Mulla.
1st prize – Varun & group.
2nd prize – pranali pednekar & group.
3rd prize – Rameja & group.

Date 17/08/2019
NATIONAL SEMINAR : The National Seminar for students was held on Saturday, 17 Aug. 2018 in college Gymkhana Hall at 10.30 a.m. The main theme was “Mahatma Gandhi and his Contributions” This theme was chosen in order to support the initiate of the Ministry of culture, on 150 years of celebrating the Mahatma. It was only for students with the objective to inculcate research attitude. It was an initiative of the Arts Association with the assistance of Social Science and Humanities Departments. The Seminar was inaugurated by Ravindra Khaire, Director, Attitude Training & Consultancy Kolhapur. Advocate Rajabhau Patil, Vice-President, D.M.S. Mandal, Belgaum, presided over the function. After felicitations, Ravindra Khaire gave the Key-note address on the topic “Mahatma Gandhi and Youths. Adv. Rajabhau Patil, in his presidential remark exhorted for in depth study of the principles and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhiji to the student delegates.

Date 15/08/2019
Celebration of 73 rd Independence Day : In picture Chief Guest Prof. V. L. Patil Joint General Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum hosting the flag. On the dias Princ. Dr. S. N Patil, Princ. R. D. Shelar , Princ. A. V. Patil, Princ. B. Koluche, Mr. Amit Subramnya Direcot DMS Mandal’s JCA . All teaching, Non teaching, NCC, NSS, Rovers & Scoutes Volunteers , Students were present for the function.

Date 08/08/2019
Donation to Flood affected peoples: Volunteers of Rovers helping to the Peoples of Flood affected Area’s. Students donated food & clothes.

Date 06/08/2019
Inaguration of Gymkhana & Other Associations 2019-20 : Mr. Sunil Aptekar Mister India Awardee fellicitated members of students council also guided the students about importance & Career opportunities in sports. Guest of Honor Dr. Manisha Nesarkar HOD Marathi Dept. RCU Belgavi spokes about Importance of Literature. Dr. S. N Patil gave Presidential remark. Dr. D. T Patil , Dr. M. M. Mohite are also in Picture. Staff & Students were present for the function.
Click here for detailed report

Date 06/08/2019
Inaguration of Zankar 2019-20 : By Special invitees Mr. Sunil Aptekar Mister India Awardee & Dr. Manisha Nesarkar HOD Marathi Dept. RCU Belgavi. Zankar showcases the talent of building writers & artist.

Date 02/08/2019
सर्प एक वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोन: विवेक वाहिनी आणि भाऊराव काकतकर कॉलेज आयोजित सर्प एक वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोन या विषयावर मार्गदर्शन करताना सर्प मित्र आनंद चिट्टी आणि निर्जरा चिट्टी . कार्यक्रमाला संस्थेचे सचिव श्री. सुभाष ओऊळकर , प्राचार्य एस एन पाटील , प्राचार्य आनंद पाटील उपस्थितीत होते. मोठ्या संख्येने शिक्षक आणि विध्यार्थी हजर होते. कार्यक्रमात सापांविषयी माहिती आणि शंकांचे निरसन करण्यात आले.

Date 31/07/2019
Adv. Shri R. V. Patil President D. M. S. Mandal delivering Presidential remarks during Superannuation program of Shri. K. M.Salgudi attender B. K College . On the dias Shri. Subhash Oulkar Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, Princ. Dr. S. N. Patil , Princ. V. A Patil , Princ. R. D Shelar. All the Management members, teaching & Non teaching members were present for the function.

Date 31/07/2019
Essay Competition Conducted by Department of Hindi . Prof. N. P. Patil, Prof. S. B Tate, Prof. Dr. Amit Chingli were present for the event.

Date 31/07/2019
Department of Hindi : Celebration of 139 th Munshi Premchandji Jayanti. Principal Dr. S. N. Patil, Prof. N. P. Patil , Prof S.B.Tate Dr. Amit Chinagli are also in Picture

Date 30/07/2019
Principal Dr.S.N.Patil and Librarian Mrs. Vaishali Shinde, addressing the BA 1st semester students regarding learning resources in the Library.

Commerce Association : Commerce Department conducted orientation program for B. Com I . Prof. Dr. M. M. Mohite Chief Guest explaining the Vision & Mission of the college, Role of Management, Designated Units, Student Support Facilities and Learning resources

Political Science Club : Doccumentary Viewing . The students were shown a doccumentary on Internal Emergency in India which doccuments the emergency impossed by Indira Gandhi’s Era & its impact on Indian Politics

Science Association : Orientation program was arranged for B.Sc. I sem Dr. Mrs. N. A. Jadhav explianed purpose of the program. All the faculty members introduced themselves to the students. Principal Dr. S. N. Patil Welcomed the gathering and told about the NAAC Visit & duties of the students. Dr. A. S. Kulkarni gave detail information about college. Prtof. B. I Vasulkar told information about financial assistence available to the students. Dr. D. N. Misale told about opportunities after B.Sc. Course. Prof. A. V. Manage told about how to use technology in the study. Prof. Miss Pooja Pawar proposed vote of thanks. Prof. Madhuri Hindalgekar & prof. Mayura Nibandhe taken care of attendence of the students. Dr. Mrs. N. A. Jadhav Chairperson of Orientation program.

Arts Association: Arts Association along with Principal Conducted Orientation Programme for BA -I Semester students. Details of institution like like establishment, Vision, Mission and facilities were explained to the students. Prof. M. N. Desai Chairperson proposed vote of Thanks.

Arts Association: Arts Association along with Principal Conducted Orientation Programme for BA -I Semester students. Details of institution like like establishment, Vision, Mission and facilities were explained to the students. Prof. M. N. Desai Chairperson proposed vote of Thanks.

Political Science Club/Dept. Activity: Doccumentary Viewing. The Students were shown the doccumentary ” MAti Ke laal- Lal Bahadur Shashtri ” which doccuments of life of India’s second Prime Ministry Lal Bahadur Shashtri.

One Day National Seminar on Academic & Administrative Audit
Session III : Resource Person : Prof. Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Principal College of Non Conventional Vocational Courses for Women
University Road, Kolhapur Speaking on Guidlines & Importance of General & Green Audit in NAAC acrediatation Process .

One Day National Seminar on Academic & Administrative Audit
Session II
Resource Person : Dr. Princ. DR. S. S. Gavati , SSN College Hukkeri Belgaum. Speaking on Guidlines & Importance of Administration Audit in NAAC acrediatation Process .

One Day National Seminar on Academic & Administrative Audit
Session I
Resource Person : Dr. Vishnukant S Chatpalli Former Adviser, NAAC, Professor, Department of Business Administration Rani Channamma University, Belagavi. Speaking on Guidlines & Importance of Academic Audit in NAAC acrediatation Process .

Dr. P S. Kamble , Dept.of Economics Shivaji University Kolhapur felicitating the winners of Quiz Competition Organised by Economics & Commerce Forum on the occassion of Union Budget 2019. On the dias Principal Dr. S. N. Patil , Dr. M. V.Shinde & Winners of Quiz Competiton .

Dr. P S. Kamble , Dept.of Economics Shivaji University Kolhapur Speaking on Bugdet 2019. On the dias Principal Dr. S. N Patil, Dr. M. V Shinde. Students & Staff were present for the function. this function was organised by Economics & Commerce Forum

Political Science Club :
Doccumentary viewing :The students were shown the mini series ‘ Samvidhaan’ Which doccuments the making of Indian Constitution.

Rovers of B K College participated in the tree plantation programme organised by District Forest Department , Karnataka at Yallurgad.

Live Telecast of Budget 2019: Jyoti Economics & Commerce Forum Arranged Live Telecast of Union Budget July 2019. The students of BA & B.Com & Staff were present.

Academic & Adminstration Audit . Prof. D. K Kamble NAAC Assistant Banglore Guiding & explaining NAAC Assessment process. On the dias Prof. Kothale , Dr. prof. B. S. Navi & Princ. Dr. S. N.Patil.

International Yoga Day Celebration. Staff & Student participated in Yoga Activities.