ACTIVITY 2023-24

Date : 13/08/2024
Placement cell
Organised Skill Development Programme “SAP – an ERP Software Solution” to the Students of B.Com VI Semester on 13th August, 2024. Were Mrs. Sonia Jangra, DIYA Institute of Technologies, Belgaum addressed the Gathering.

Date : 06/08/2024
Placement cell
Organised a special guest lecture on “Career in Life Insurance Corporation” on 6th August, 2024. Were Mr. Atul Deshmuksh, Life insurance development office, LIC addressed the B.Com final year students.

Date : 29/07/2024
Placement cell
Organised “Career Guidance Programme” on 29th July, 2024. Were Dr. Suman kumar, Deputy Director, Global Business School addressed the gathering.

Date : 29/06/2024
Placement cell
Organised a special lecture on “Emerging Trends in Finance and Career as Chartered Accoutnant” on 29th June, 2024. Were CA Vinod Chandran, CEO, Mylogic Business Management School, Bangalore addressed the gathering.

Date : 22/06/2024
Placement cell
Rotary Club of Venugram, Belgaum and DMS Mandal’s Bhaurao Kakatkar College, Belgaum jointly organized “MEGA JOB FAIR” on 22th June, 2024. The event was inaugurated by Watering the plant by chief guest Dr. S. N. Patil Sir, The Principal, B.K. College, Belgaum, Rotarian. Sanjeev Deshpande, Rotary Club of Venugram, Belgaum Presides over the function. Rotarian. D. B. Patil, Rotary Club of Venugram, Belgaum Welcomes the Gathering. 26 Companies and 3,500+ students/Candidates participated in the drive and 1,200+ participants were given job offer Letters.

Date : 15/06/2024
Placement cell
Organised Career Guidence Programme “Career opportunities as Company Secretary” for the B.Com an M.Com students (In two sessions) on 15th June, 2024. were resource person CS Deepti Adake, Secretary, Belgaum Chapter of SIRC of ICSI addressed the gathering. 108 students participated.

Date : 13/06/2024
Placement cell
Organised a special lecture on “Banking Competitive Examinations” on 13th June, 2024. Were resource persons from ‘Nav Disha’ coaching center, Belgaum, addressed the gathering and shared the information about How to address the examinations of Banking, pattern of exams, Syllabus, Recruitment procedure, etc.

Date : 05/01/2024
Placement cell
Organised special guest lecture to Introduce National Skill Development Corporation approved Skill development Programme – UNNATI” on 5th January, 2024. Were resource person Miss. Mubeena from Unnati Skill Centre Addressed the Gathering.

Date : 02/09/2024
Visit To Lomax Old Age Home, Syndicate Colony, Ganeshpur
Students of unity for vision have visited Lomax old age home, Syndicate colony, Ganeshpur. Students had distributed fruits and biscuits to the elderly people who are staying there. Students interacted with elderly people and spend time with them and listened their stories.

Date : 05/08/2024
Visit To KMF
Department of Chemistry organized ONE DAY STUDY VISIT TO KARNATAKA MILK FEDERATION (KMF) UNIT (Mahantesh nagar) Belgaum.Total 38 students have been visited.

Date : 05/02/2024
Visit To Sadh Sangat Gurudwara, Belgaum
Students of unity for vision have visited SADH SANGAT GURUDWARA, Tilakwadi, Belgaum. Students entered gurudwara with covered heads and they paid their due respect to holy book Guru Granth sahib. Students learn about history of Sikh religion.

Date : 12/1/2024
Guest Talk On Say No To Drugs
Unity for Vision has organized guest lecture on “SAY NO TO DRUG”s . The Guest speaker Dr. Vishwas Yadwad gave information about legal and illegal drugs and various other drugs. He also explained how the habits of smoking and drinking can affect career and family life.

Date : 10/8/2023
Visit To KLE Radio Center
Students of Unity for vision have visited KLE radio center, JNMC campus, Belgaum. They had interaction with radio center staff and they have learn about how to do recording. Students had interaction with Mrs. Manisha Sarnaik programme executive KLE radio center

Date : 26/07/2024
Visit to Bhutramanhatti Zoo
Department of Zoology of B. K. College, Belgaum conducted study visit to Bhutramanhatti Zoo, Belagavi for 6th semester on 26th July, 2024. There were 27 students and 4 staff members.They learnt about morphology, zoo management and feeding habits of various animals as part of their syllabus . They were guided by Prof. Mrs.Mayura Nibandhe (HOD) and Miss. Nivedita Thabbe.

Date : 21/06/2024
Yoga Day
The designated units of Bhaurao Kakatkar College i.e. NSS, NCC, YRC celebrated International Day of Yoga on 21/6/2024 at Open Air Theatre. Yoga experts from Patanjali Yogapeeth demonstrated Yoga excercises to the students & staff.

Date : 05/06/2024
World Environment Day
World Environment Day was celebrated on June 5th, 2024, at Bhaurao Kakatkar College Botanical Garden, organized by the Science Association and the Department of Botany. Dr. S.N. Patil, Principal, emphasized the importance of protecting nature amidst global issues like pollution and deforestation. Prof. R.B. Hujaratti, HOD of Botany, highlighted the value of medicinal and ornamental plants and their benefits to humans and the environment.

Date : 14/04/2024
Celebration of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti.
Princ. Dr. S N Patil , Prof. V L Patil Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum and all teaching and no teaching staff present for the ceremony.

Date : 27/02/2024
मराठी भाषा दिना निमित आयोजीत कार्यक्रमात उपस्थित प्रमुख अतिथी प्रा. संध्या देशपांडे,
अध्यक्ष. प्रा. सूरेश पाटील,
प्राचार्य :- आनंत पाटील बी.सी.ए. विभाग,प्रा :- कविता पाटील,प्रा:- सुरज पाटील, प्रा :- परशुराम बसर्गे,

Date : 19/02/2024
Celebration of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj jayanti
Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj jayanti was celebrated on 19/02/2024 by NSS volunteers.

Date : 16/02/2024
Distribution of Anand Shikshan Nidhi Scholarship
Distribution of Anand Shikshan Nidhi Scholarship was conducted by Students Welfare Association on 16/02/2024. Under this scholarship 13 students were given ₹5000/- each.

Date : 16/02/2024
Youth Convention
NSS volunteers attended Youth Convention on 16/02/2024 organized by Ramakrishna Mission Ashram Belgaum.

Date : 03/02/2024 to 06/02/2024
Study Tour
The Department of Botany organized a four-day study tour to Dandeli, Dharmasthal, and Shringeri from 3rd to 6th February 2024. Thirteen 5th-semester students, with two faculty members, explored local flora, studying angiosperms and non-angiosperms, guided by Prof. R.B. Hujaratti (HOD) and Miss A.U. Nayak.

Date : 14/02/2024
Ramkrishna Mission Ashram & Kamal Basti
Department of History Orgaised Study tour to Ramkrishna Mission Ashram & Kamal Basti on 14/02/2024

Date : 26/01/2024
Celebration of Republic Day
Prof. V. Y Patil Prof. R D Shelar, Shri Vijay Shinde, Shri R. Y Halgekar hosting the nataional Flag. In picture Prof. V. L.Patil, Secretary DMS Mandal Belgaum, Dr. S. N. Patil, Prin. A.V Patil, Prin. B. V. Koluche. All teaching, Non-teaching staff and students were present for the function.

Date : 06/02/2024
Educational Visit to Local Library
Department of Library & Information Science of the college arranged one day educational visit of students who opted Library & Information Centre as OEC subject to Ravindra Kaushik E-library, Belgaum on 06-02-2024. 60 students were visited the library.

Date : 31/01/2024
Written Quiz Competition
NSS & Red Ribbon Club of Bhaurao Kakatkar College jointly organized a Written Quiz Competition on HIV & AIDS on 31st January 2024. Total 156 students participated in this and top three scorers awarded with cash prizes.

Date : 30/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Harshada Sanakki from Sadashiv nagar Belgaum Tal & Dist Belgaum of B.Sc-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture Prof. Vidhya Jadhav and Prof. Nivedita Thabbe

Date : 30/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Pratiksha Desai from Hindalga Village Tal & Dist Belgaum of B.Sc-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture Prof. Amruta Sane and Prof. Madhuri Hindalgekar.

Date : 30/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Apoorva G.Bhosale from Sadashiv Nagar , Tal & Dist Belgaum of B.Sc-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture Prof. Mrs.Mayura Nibandhe, Prof. Amruta Sane and Prof. Madhuri Hindalgekar.

Date : 20/01/2024
Felicitation of Toppers and Teacher-Parents Meet:
Toppers of the college along with their parents were felicitated by alumni association for the academic year 2023-24. Chief guest Chartered Accountant Shri Mahesh S Killekar & guest of Honour Rtn. Shri D B Patil Guided & Motivated students and parents . All teaching staff, Students were present for the function. In the picture Principal Dr. S. N Patil along with toppers, parents, and staff.

Date : 17/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Kukmkum Gurav from Desur Village Tal & Dist Belagaum of B.A-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture DR. M. P. Shegunshi Dr.P.N Basarge, Dr. A. S. Chingali, Prof. R. S. Huddar, Prof. Y R Mutagekar & prof. D. M Wadekar.

Date : 17/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Geetanjali Patil from Desur Village Tal & Dist Belagaum of B.A-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture Dr.P.N Basarge, Dr. A. S. Chingali, Prof. R. S. Huddar. Prof. D. M. Wadekar.

Date : 17/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Rekha Koujalagi of B.A-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture Dr.P.N Basarge, Dr. M S Patil, Dr. A. S. Chingali, Prof. R. S. Huddar. Prof. D. M. Wadekar & prof. Y R Mutagekar.

Date : 17/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Bhakti M.Birje of B Com-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture Dr. M S Patil, Prof. R. S. Huddar. Prof. D. M. Wadekar & prof. Y R Mutagekar.

Date : 17/01/2024
Home Visit Scheme
Under Home Visit Scheme, Staff members visited to the Home of Student Miss. Shravani C Chopade of B Com-I year. Staff members interacted with parents & student. In picture Dr. M S Patil, Prof. R. S. Huddar. Prof. D. M. Wadekar & prof. Y R Mutagekar.

Date : 16/01/2024
National Youth Day & a formal inaugural function of NSS
National Youth Day & a formal inaugural function of NSS units was organized on 16/01/2024 in hall no. 37. Swami Mokshatmanand ji of Ramakrishna Mission Ashram, Belgaum addressed the gathering on Swami Vivekananda & His Thoughts.

Date : 12/01/2024
Youth Convention organized by Ramakrishna Mission Ashram
140 NSS volunteers attended Youth Convention organized by Ramakrishna Mission Ashram on 12/01/24, on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda jayanti also known as National Youth Day.

Date : 12/01/2024
Swami Vivekananda Jayanti by NSS volunteers
Celebration of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti by NSS volunteers in the college on 12/01/24.

Date : 12/01/2024
National Road Safety Week
On the occasion of National Road Safety Week, NSS units of the college organized a 3 km long rally from Bhaurao Kakatkar College to Ashok Circle Belgaum on 12/01/24. 140 NSS volunteers participated, raised slogans & held various placards on road safety.

Date : 06/01/2024
Essay Writing Competition
Essay Writing Competition was organized by the Arts Association on 6th January 2024. The students were allowed to write in 4 languages i.e. English, Hindi, Marathi & Kannada. The best 3 essays in each language were awarded with cash prizes.

Date : 04/01/2024
Celebrated Savitribai Phule Jayanti
The Women’s Welfare Association celebrated Savitribai Phule Jayanti on 4th January 2024 by organizing One Act Play titled “Me Savitri Bolatey”. Smt. Kavita Mhetre from Satara, Maharashtra, performed on this occasion.

Date : 29/12/2023
Career Opportunities in Public and Private for Science Students
Department of Chemistry in Association with Jyoti Career Academy organized seminar on 29-12-2023 on “Career Opportunities in Public and Private for Science Students”. Seminar was conducted by Dr. Madhuri Hebbalkar, Corporate Trainer, Belgaum. Seminar focused on the various opportunities available for the science students. 60 Students participated in the session. Dr. Sonali Salunkhe, Dr Arjun Kalkhambar, (Department of Chemistry) and Mr. Amit Subramanyam (Director, Jyoti Career Academy) graced the session.

Date : 29/12/2023
Significance of Communication on Competitive Exams
Department of Sociology & Political Science in Association with Jyoti Career Academy organized seminar on 29-12-2023 on “Significance of Communication on Competitive Exams”. Seminar was conducted by Mr. Manjunath G.L Ceo & Founder Time English Belgaum. Seminar focused on the Effective usage of English Communication and its significance in Competitive Exams. 80 Students participated in the session. Dr Mallikarjun Shengushi, (Department of Policatical Science), Dr. Parashuram Basarge (Department of Sociology) and Mr. Amit Subramanyam (Director, Jyoti Career Academy) graced the session.

Date : 18 & 19/12/2023
RCU Intercollegiate Cross-Country
RCU Intercollegiate Cross-Country 12kilometre Competition held at GFGC Hungund, on 18th & 19th December 2023. Our Student Miss Shruti Patil ( 2yr) got Bronze Medal & is declared “University Blue”. She will participate in All India Inter University Cross Country competition in Calicut University.

Date : 14/12/2023
Placement Cell
Organised One Day Workshop on career guidance and placement opportunities on 14 th December, 2023. were Resource Person Mr. Mallikarjun Patil, Divisional Head Belgaum, Deshpande Foundation Hubli addressed the gathering. All students of final year were present for workshop.

Date : 13/12/2023
Placement cell
D.M.S.M’s, B.K. College, Belgaum, Placement Cell Organised A Special guest lecture on “Career Guidance and Placement Opportunities” after graduation on 13 th December, 2023. Were Resource person Mr. ARESH C. Alliance Officer, Learn online institute addressed the gathering and 126 students of B.Com 3 year have participated

Date : 08/12/2023
Nursery visit to Humes Park, Belagavi
The Department of Botany organized a one-day nursery visit to Humes Park, Belagavi, on 08.12.2023, for B.Sc. Vth semester students. The aim was to study the morphology and taxonomy of roots, stems, leaves, inflorescence types, flower parts, and fruits. Students identified economically important plants from the syllabus

Date : 08/12/2023
Palapushpa Exhibition
B. Sc Vth semester Botany Department students visited the Horticulture Department to observe the district-level palapushpa exhibition.
Date : 30/11/2023
Celebration of Kanakdas Jayanti
Celebrated Kanakdas Jayanti on 30/11/2023. Princ. Dr. S N Patil and other teaching and non teaching staff members were present for the celebration function.

Date : 16/11/2023 – 17/11/2023
Wrestling Competition 2023-24
RCU Intercollegiate Wrestling Competition 2023-24 held on 16th & 17th Nov23 in Sindagi Vijaypur. Our College students participated and won 2 gold medals & 2 Bronze medals. Both gold medalist were declared “University Blue”
Parth K Patil (BA) GoldMedal & UB
Suraj R Patil (BA) GoldMedal & UB
Vaishnav Kakatkar(BA) Bronze Medal
Utkarsh Patil (BA) Bronze Medal
Date : 8/11/2023
Library Week Celebration
Department of Library and Information Science and City Central Library Court Belgaum has jointly organised essay writing competition on the occasion of Library week celebration on 8/11/2023. The Winners of the competition are felicitated on 18/11/2023 at City Central Library. The Winners are as follows
1. Vaijayanti R. Goral. B A I sem
2. Sonali B. Dhope. B Com Isem
3. Rita G. Yadav. B Com I sem

Date : 06/11/2023 to 07/11/2023
Department of Commerce.
Organised NISM sponsered Two days workshop on Financial Education for Youth Citizen: KONA KONA SHIKSHA on 6 th and 7 th November, 2023. where resource person Dr. Mahantesh Kuri, Department of MBA, RCUB addressed the students

Date : 04/11/2023
Orientation of B.A.-I
The students were welcomed by Principal Dr.S.N.Patil. They were informed about the facilities available in the College. Prof.Dr.Amit S. Chingale & Dr. M.V.Shinde presented P.P.T. regarding the information about the Institution & the College. The students were informed about the various designate Units which the College runs i.e.NCC, NSS, YRC & Rovers & Rangers. They were told about the various Scholarships i.e. Govt. Scholarships as well as Prizes Endowded by the well –wishers of the Management.

Date : 01/11/2023
Karnataka Rajyotsava Day
Karnataka Rajyotsava Day was celebrated in the college on 1st November 2023 by garlanding the photo of Goddess Shri Bhuvaneshwari.

Date : 28/10/2023
Celebration of Shri Valmiki Jayanti.
In picture Principal Dr. S N Patil and other staff members

Date : 14/10/2023
SEBI sponsored National Webinar Organized
SEBI sponsored National Webinar organized on 14/10/2023 by Department of Commerce. Resource person Tehesinfatama Agharia, Senior Research Analyst CRISIL Ltd.

Date : 23/08/2023
Science Association
Science association conducted orientation program for BSC-I Sem students. Princ.Dr. S. N. Patil Sir interacting with the students. All Science staff & students of first sem were present for the functon.

Date : 04/08/2023
Jadi Booti Divas
The Department of Botany and Science Association of Bhaurao Kakatkar College celebrated “Jadi Booti Divas” on 04/08/2023 by planting medicinal herbs in the Brindhavan Garden. Principal Dr. S.N. Patil inaugurated the event, highlighting the benefits of medicinal plants. Prof. R.B. Hujaratti shared health tips using herbs, and students and staff planted plants like Tulasi, Aloe Vera, and Lemon Grass.