Roteract Club

Develop leadership & professional skills

Every student while taking admission has intension to secure good place in career. It requires self-confidence, motivational level, positive attitude, courage to face new challenges. It comes through leadership and professional skills. Rotract club emerged in the intension to develop leadership & professional skills among students. This helps student to identify their interest, to know the strength & weakness, to create self-confidence, time management, and personality development, to maintain accountability in work & to be a good citizen.

Rotract Club originally began as women’s Rotract club in the year 2018. It was established on 03/03/2018 that is on women’s day & all the member students are girl. But after completion of one batch the boy students also shows the interest to join in Rotract Club and its name Rotary clubs, Rotract club of Bhaurao Kakatkar College. The club was started under the guidance of Principal Dr. D.N.Misale sir, Dr. Rahul Sathe President Rotary Club; Roterian Mahesh Angolkar & Roterian D.B.Patil sir puts their efforts to start this unit in B.K. College, Belgaum. Prof. V.N.Jadhav & Prof. T.M.Chougule from B.K.College will be the mentor of the group.


Students from I of B.K. College is adopted by the Rotract Club Of venugram with aim of developing leadership and professional qualities among students.


Chairman: Rtn D.B.Patil

Members –

1) Roterian Dr. Rahul Sathe Rotary Club, Venugram

2) Roterian Mahesh Angolkar, Rotary Club Belgaum.

Guidance & Co-ordination

1) Dr. S.N. PATIL – Principal B.K. College, Belgaum

2) Prof. V.N.JADHAV – Mentor Rotract Club.

3) Prof. T.M.CHOUGULE – Mentor Rotract Club.


The group “Rotract Club” will function as a team & each member will seek some responsibility.


To develop leadership & professional qualities the team have leader as president under that various post to manage activities by their own.

Committees of Students:

To show accountability chance is given to student by rotating the post every year.

Activity during the Academic Year 2018-19:

Rotract Club is an ambitious project of the college sponsored by Rotract Club of Venugram Belgaum to help the students “To develop leadership & professional skills. It is an ongoing activity to achieve the goal.

  • Installation Function:

The installation ceremony was organized on 03/03/2018 were Principal Dr. D.N.Misale & Roterian of Rotract Club of Venugram were present.

  • Monthly Meeting: The group met regularly once in a month to discuss about activities to be done.
  • Visits: Students visited to Budha Ghar a charitable trust
  • Other activities by club:

– Participation of students in cleanliness drive in college.

– Participation in tree plantation.

Activity during the Academic Year 2020-21:

  • Installation Function: The installation ceremony was organized on 01/04/2021 Principal Dr. S.N.Patil & Roterian of Rotract Club of Venugram Roterian were present.
  • Monthly Meeting: The group met regularly once in a month to discuss about activities to be done.

Activity during the Academic Year 2021-22:

  • Installation Function: The installation ceremony was organized on 03/03/2018 Principal Dr. S.N.Patil & Roterian of Rotract Club of Venugram were present.
  • Monthly Meeting: The group met regularly once in a month to discuss about activities to be done.
  • Visits:

– Visited to Nandan Makkal Dham to serve the needy children’s.

  • Other activities by club:

– Participation of students in cleanliness drive in college.

– Participation in tree plantation.